Beep – boop – yes – no

Just a friendly reminder….this is why you follow me! I am here to give you a kick to reach your goals, so instead of feeling guilty (like i am doing right now, staring at an empty chocolat bar. I will still kill my gym workout!!!) never feel sorry or regret, every day is a new start. Your the one who chooses if its worthwhile starting over for.

Never miss the mondays

Is it Monday already?..

Thats what i ask myself every week. I can’t believe the time goes so fast, each week i count the days that i have workout out. I used to go tot the gym about 5 times a week, i should still be doing that. When living a busy lifestyle, you feel tired and weighed down. It makes you decide not to go to the gym, even though we all know that the gym takes away that feeling and leaves you with a positive energy and proud feelings. Then again its Monday, Monday is a day you should never skip. Because when its Friday and you are counting you week full of workouts you will be surprised that you have already successfully made it to the gym 3 of 4 times. When you skip Monday, you skip Tuesday, you might have a Wednesday session, but then skip Thursday again. Its a your body telling you that you have better things to do, like give in to its laziness of comfortable pillows on your couch, whispering you havent seen the last episode of your favorite series yet. But who are we kidding, we are adult women. Shake that voice off and find your motivation, your tomorrow body will be thanking your today body. And even though I don’t even always follow my own advice, i look back from Friday wishing i got my Monday workout in.

Beautifull leggs

Argh…i know, i also always get jealous of beautiful tight long legs. I am quit small, 5.4 (165cm) and tend to get wide as i gain weight. I have small legs, and quit bulky so i always try to do exercise which support them getting thinner insead of bulkier and more muscular.

if you have the same problem, then here is a secret: try to do your exercise  light weight with more reps. This will speed up your heart rate, and also give you toning because you are lifting weights. If you want to perfect your workout, do 20 min of cardio after every weight lifting session. My workout looks like: Lifting weights 30-40min, cardio 20 min. And maybe a 5 min warming up sesh before you start doing your weight lifting to prevent tears.

the struggle is real

Hello my beauties! Sorry I havent written in a while.

I have come to miss it, writing does really give you a sort of release. I have noticed that having issues in your personal life really influences your whole mood -> fitness and health mood. It can go two ways, or it can make you give up, or it will make you want to fight harder. usually with women its the first option.We tend to tie our emotional imbalance to our diet and fitness regime. It either includes a very large box of sweets, mostly chocolate, cupcakes, donuts or a big pizza, during stuffing our faces we realize that not only does food not fill the gap we are feeling, we just like to add some alcohol to the problem. Because we all know alcohol really helps emotional situations :D.

anyway all coming down to, being a women is hard! You shouldn’t be searching for respect from other people if you don’t respect yourself. Respecting yourself is the key in any relationship, including the relationship you have with your body. It is so important to be happy with yourself and feeling happy inside. This is where you will find the motivation to change! I know its hard, its a daily struggle. I have recently joined emily sky’s 30 day ab shred, including a forum on Facebook. These ladies on there are amazing, they really put in 100%. What we keep forgetting is that its not a diet, you are okay if you indulge into something you enjoy eating. Its the quantity you do it with, and of course the feeling you eat it with. Are you enjoying this? or are you sad about something else and hoping to find comfort in snacks. Its a healthy life style you are fighting for, a mentality not based on binging or discuss. I would love to be happy with myself every day, but I remain being a women, and being a women means dealing with mental instabilities every day haha..we all know the struggle is real!

8 ways to start up that Metabolism!

1)Develop Muscles
Its a well known fact that Muscles produce more energy than fat, even if your in rest. This is why strength training is so important! It is the perfect way to spice up your slow metabolism even when doing nothing. So Ladies grab those weights and start pumping!

2) Move intensively
Cardio is also one way to highten your metabolism. It won’t build any muscles but it will cause you to use up more energy in hours after training. Try interval training this boosts up the best, because as soon as your heart rates down again it jumps right back up! The perfect combination for a training is strength training in combination with cardio…AFTERWARDS!

3) Drink a lot of water
The body needs water to remove all of the toxins from your body, with to little water a day it may slow down your metabolism. Water also helps the organs function at their very best. They say drinking ice water will spice up that metabolism even more!

4) Eat more portions
Three big meals might have been the way you where eating all your life! I know ive had the same thought, but apparantly eating more meals a day is healthier and more stimulating. It not only supports your metabolism but it makes sure your sugar level does not drop to a.. IM CRAVING EVERYTHING MOMENT…as we all have been eye to eye to the cookie jar one to many times during these cravings.
When I crave things, or I am really hungry I just eat several small bites and drink water with them. This will already send a signal to your brain that you are not only craving that delicious large extra cheese pizza, but food in general.
So stick to 5-7 meals a day! I eat every two hours, to make sure I keep on track. Once you get the hang of it, it will be fun. Oh and don’t forget breakfast, your not the only one who needs to wake up, your metabolism does to!

5) Eat Proteins
Proteins are super super super mue importante for your muscle growth and are way harder to break down than fats or carbs, meaning it will take up more energy so longer without the munchies. This does not mean you should only eat proteins, although some follow protein diets, you must follow a healthy balance of the food chart. It is important that you food contains enough nutrients, certain vitamins and minerals needed to function optimally.
Healthy proteins can be found in tofu, eggs, fish, lean pig meat and ox, nuts, beans and milk products

6) Drink Green tea
Green Tea has been known for its metabolism booster and is used in many fat burners and or other supplements to help you lose weight. Drink a cup of tea with each meal, it will stimulate your fat loss process.
7) Avoid Crash diets
Crash Diets with less than 1000 calories are disastrous for your metabolism. These diets often cause you to lose weight fast, but it will affect muscle loss. Meaning that your metabolism will slow down and eventually make you fat or fatter than before! Unless really detoxing and cleansing your body following a 2/3 day cleanse (with professional help) i would definitely stay away from the crash diet!
8) Sleep
Enough sleep will boost your metabolism, if you don’t sleep enough it will affect the way you crave and break down carbs due to glucose intolerance. Also when tired we tend to eat more.
